Safety document and Gym rules


Company / organization information

Scandic Eden Nokia’s gym is managed by EdenGym Oy. The gym equipment is under the management of EdenGym.

Person (s) responsible for security and deputy person (s)

Kim Keskimäki 0405802897

Samu Alho 0405361779

  • general safety oversight, planning and guidance
  • reporting and monitoring of accidents and near misses

Hotel customer service / Jari-Pekka Sirviö 0400563891

  • control of the navigability of rescue routes
  • initial shutdown and fault reporting

Other staff and their training

The gym does not have any paid staff.

Any training of staff or coaches who may be in the facility shall be provided by the persons mentioned in point 2. Coaches are required to have coaching training appropriate to the industry.

Risk assessment and security planning (area-wide risk assessment)

Possible state-of-the-art accidents are physical: muscle cramps, muscle stretching, and osteoarthritis and fractures. Small surface wounds are also possible.

To prevent accidents, the rules of the room have been made, which users must follow. The space is also cleaned regularly to avoid any accidents caused by uncleanness. Information on possible accidents is discussed elsewhere in the document.

Customers (participants) and customer groups

The room must have a maximum of 20 people inside at one time.

The age limit for the gym is 14 years.

Children must not be brought to the training area for safety reasons.

Gym users are required to wear indoor sports shoes at the gym.

Guiding participants

If necessary, Samu Alho or Kim Keskimäki will guide you in the use of the equipment for the first time.

All gym users work out according to their own fitness and are responsible for themselves. In the event of an accident, each user is obliged to take care of the insurance cover he or she needs.

Buildings and structures

There is no accommodation in the space and there are no fixed structures for movement.

Other equipment and supplies (eg sports equipment, machinery and equipment)

The sports equipment in the space is the responsibility of the persons appointed by EdenGym (contact information in section 2.). Gym equipment is regularly inspected and serviced. Broken tools will be repaired based on user notification.

Code of conduct for accidents and emergencies

There are instructions on the wall of the gym for making an emergency call.

The spa reception has basic first-aid equipment purchased on behalf of the hotel. The equipment includes a cleanser, patch, wound dressings, an ideal bandage and a cooler bag. The equipment is located in a marked first aid kit.

Fire handling instructions

Fire handling is prohibited inside the gym.

Accident accounting and investigation of the cause of the accident

Every gym user is obliged to report any defects and deficiencies, vandalism and disruptions to the hotel reception.

Possible accidents in the space are reported to the health inspector by EdenGym using Tukes’ “Service Provider’s Report on Dangerous Consumer Service” form. EdenGym’s task is to initiate preventive measures in case of similar cases within working hours. Accidents are reported to other users by Nokia as necessary, taking into account the protection of users’ privacy.

Violation of the gym rules will result in loss of access and the perpetrator will be held liable and liable for damages. Every gym user is required to report any illegal activity at the gym. Upon receipt of the key, the hotel will consider the gym user to be in compliance with the gym rules and instructions.

Necessary separate safety plans or operating instructions for individual functions or locations

Some locations have equipment manufacturer’s instructions for use.

Updating the security document

EdenGym Oy is responsible for updating the security document. The safety document is reviewed while the gym equipment is reviewed.

The safety document has been prepared by Nokia’s Board of Directors of EdenGym Oy.
