Massage and Selkäfix

Our partners in wellness services are the Liikuntakeskus Hei and the Sports Massage & personal trainer Samu Alho.

You will have access to trained, professional masseurs. Massages are available as either classical or sports massages. Massage nourishes the body and helps to recover from exercises, opens stalks, reduces stress and relaxes, stimulates the metabolism and brings to life those better little moments.

You can book an appointment for a massage via the booking link on the Liikuntakeskus Hei page or by calling our masseurs directly. Please be on time to make appointments. Massage services take place either at Liikuntapalvelu Hei’s premises (Kurikantie 12, 33960 Pirkkala) or separately by agreement with a masseur. In the future, we aim to expand the service to the spa facilities as well.

Massage therapists

Samu Alho 040 536 1779
Jari Rauhala 040 502 0738, Liikuntakeskus Hei
Mika Nurmi 046 538 0839, Liikuntakeskus Hei
Jesse Valve 045 257 4994, Liikuntakeskus Hei

Massage prices
30 min 30 €
45 min 38 €
60 min 45 €
75 min 53 €
90 min 60 €


Comprehensive correction of postural errors (relaxation, hip vertebrae, hip joints, vertebral locks, shoulder). After straightening the spine, the muscle balance is checked and, if necessary, a muscle massage and stretching is performed to restore the balance. Normally, the posture can be corrected and muscle balance restored during 2-4 runs. Restoring a longer error position can take 5-10 visits and very difficult up to 11-20 visits.

Kim Keskimäki 050 913 3138

80 € / visit
70 € / visit (5 visit card)
60 € / visit (10 visit card)

Selkäfix reception takes place at the premises of Liikuntakeskus Hei (Kurikantie 12, 33960 Pirkkala) – book your time here
